Our family history site presents data from our TMG database as fully linked narrative style webpages, indexes and charts that you may browse. However, we have excluded data of all living persons.
Here are descriptions of the features and some hints on getting the most out of them.
Note: This site uses Java script. Consequently, the security settings on your browser may alert you that it has restricted the site from running scripts. For optimum viewing, it is suggested that you 'Allow blocked content'. If you do not wish to do this, some content may not be available to you.
Surname Index
Lists all* of the surnames in our database.
Click a selector button for the first letter of the surname you want and it will take you to the relevant list of surnames beginning with that letter. Then click the surname in which you are interested. This will take you to the relevant group of individuals under that surname in the Master Index.
Master Index
Lists all* of the individuals in our database, grouped by surname.
Rather than making you scroll through hundreds of individuals, you are firstly presented with a shortlist of groups of surnames, such as Pirie, William to Potter, William. Click the group in which you are interested and it will take you to a page listing the surnames and individuals in that group. Against each individual you will find dates of birth and/or death, if available, to help you find the one you want.
Any individuals that have portrait photographs on their person pages will have next to their name.
Navigation options for Previous Page and Next Page will be available at the head and foot of the page if you need them. Clicking an individual will take you to their own 'person page'.
Lists a number of drop-line charts showing descendants, including spouses, of key individuals. Most are available in two formats: a box chart and an indented chart. Click a "Descendants of..." link to view a chart.
Individuals on box charts are colour coded and keys to the coding are provided. You may need to use the scroll bars to move and view all of the chart. If you 'hover' over an individual in the chart, dates of birth and/or death, if available, will be displayed. Clicking an individual will take you to their person page.
The Person Page
Each individual has their own person page, showing name (maiden name for females), gender and dates of birth and/or death, if available.
Clicking the Pedigree button will open an interactive pedigree chart, complete with dates, where you can change the starting person of the chart to anyone visible in that chart. Clicking any of the names in the chart will take you to the person page for that person. Note: If ActiveX controls have been blocked by your browser, this feature will not work unless you 'Allow blocked content'.
Any box charts or indented charts containing this individual will be listed.
Details of an individual's life are presented in narrative format, complete with references to any citations, a list of children and the citations.
Any event that is illustrated by a photograph, newspaper cutting or document will have this icon: Click the icon to view the item.
All other individuals mentioned on the person page can be clicked to get to their person page. Citation numbers can also be clicked to view details of the sources of those citations.
Recent Updates
Lists individuals for whom there have been recent updates to their Person Pages in the last 3 months.
* Excluding all living persons.
Hint: Probably the quickest way of homing in on the person you are looking for is to start with the Surname Index, which will take you to a list of individuals within the Master Index, that you can then use to get to their person page.