Maggie Bella Crawford

F, #9209, b. 4 June 1900, d. 8 March 1940
     Maggie Bella Crawford was born on 4 June 1900 at 95 High Street, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.1,2 She was the daughter of George Crawford and Elizabeth May. She married Walter Grant Innes at 95 High Street, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, on 24 December 1925.3,2 As of 24 December 1925, her married name was Maggie Bella Innes. Maggie died on 8 March 1940 at 7 Fernie Road, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, at age 39.4,5,2


  1. [S8210] Maggie Bella Crawford, Register of Births in the Parish of Fraserburgh in the County of Aberdeen, "Maggie Bella Crawford, 1900, June Fourth 5h 0m A.M. at 95 High Street, Fraserburgh, Female. Father: George Crawford, Fisherman. Mother: Elizabeth Crawford M. S. May, married 1885 October 15th in Fraserburgh. Informant: Elizabeth Crawford, Mother. Registered: 1900, June 21st at Fraserburgh, Wm Pressley, Registrar."
  2. [S6013] Keith Innes, Neil Pirie, Information kindly supplied by Keith Innes of Moffat, Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
  3. [S8207] Walter Grant Innes to Maggie Bella Crawford, Statutory Register of Marriages in the Parish of Fraserburgh in the County of Aberdeen, "1925, on the Twenty Fourth day of December at 95 High Street, Fraserburgh. After Banns, According to the Forms of the Baptist Church Scotland. Walter Grant Innes, Fisherman (Bachelor), 24 years, resident at 17 Caroline Place, Fraserburgh, Father: William Innes, Fisherman, Mother: Louisa Innes M.S. Grant (deceased). Maggie Bella Crawford, Fishworker (Spinster), 25 years, resident at 95 High Street, Fraserburgh, Father: George Crawford, Fisherman, Mother: Elizabeth Crawford M.S May. John Murphy, Minister of Baptist Church, Fraserburgh. James G. Noble, 9 School Street, Fraserburgh, Witness. Mary May Crawford, 95 High Street, Fraserburgh, Witness. Registered: 1925, December 26th at Fraserburgh, Wm Pressley Registrar."
  4. [S8212] Maggie Bella Innes née Crawford, Register of Deaths in the District of Fraserburgh in the County of Aberdeen, "Maggie Bella Innes (Married to Walter Grant Innes, Fisherman), died 1940, March Eighth 11h 45m P.M. at 7 Fernie Road, Fraserburgh, Female, 39 years, Father: George Crawford Fisherman, Mother: Elizabeth Crawford M.S. May (deceased), Cause of death: Influenza, Bronchitis, as certified by L.B. Beddie M.B. C.M., Informant: Walter G. Innes, Widower (Present), Registered: 1940, March 10th at Fraserburgh, James Mair Registrar."
  5. [S8211] Maggie Bella Innes née Crawford, ScotlandsPeople search, Statutory Register of Deaths, Registration District of Fraserburgh, Surname: Innes. Forename: Maggie Bella. Age at death: 39. Year: 1940. Ref: 196/ 33. Registration District Name: Fraserburgh.