James Rodger

M, #9060
     He was the informant for James Rodger Caseby's birth at Burnside House, Lundin Mill, Fife, Scotland, on 5 May 1889.1,2

Child of James Rodger


  1. [S8007] James Rodger Caseby, Register of Births in the Parish of Largo in the County of Fife, "James Rodger Caseby, 1889, May Fifth 9h 30m A.M. at Burnside House, Lundin Mill, Male. Father: John Caseby, Bootmaker (Jouneyman). Mother: Margaret Caseby M. S. Rodger, married 1886 September 3rd in Largo. Informant: James Rodger, Grandfather. Registered: 1889, May 20th at Largo, Thos. Nicoll, Registrar."
  2. [S772] Robert Mair, Neil Pirie, Information kindly supplied by Robert Mair of Durham, England.