Margaret Pirie

F, #5579, b. 17 September 1922, d. 18 July 1932
     Margaret Pirie was born on 17 September 1922 at 17 Reidhaven Street, Portknockie, Banffshire, Scotland.1 She was the daughter of David Pirie and Jane Morrison. Her family was known by the tee-name of "Coull". Margaret died on 18 July 1932 at 17 Reidhaven Street, Portknockie, Banffshire, Scotland, at age 9.2


  1. [S10321] Margaret Pirie, Register of Births in the District of Seafield in the County of Banff, "Margaret Pirie, 1922, September Seventeenth 11h 50m P.M. at 17 Reidhaven Street, Portknockie, Seafield (Rathven), Female. Father: David Pirie, Fisherman. Mother: Jane Pirie M.S. Morrison, married 1909 December 10th in Boyndie. Informant: David Pirie, Father. Registered: 1922, September 23d at Seafield Manse, James McIntyre, Registrar."
  2. [S4345] William Mair, Register of Deaths in the District of Seafield in the County of Banff, "Margaret Pirie, died 1932, July Eighteenth 0h 30m A.M. at 17 Reidhaven Street, Portknockie, Female, 9 years. Father: David Pirie Fisherman (Deceased), Mother: Jane Pirie M.S. Morrison. Cause of death: Tuberculosis, Broncho-pneumonia, as cert. by L. G. Shearer M.B., Ch.B. Buckie. Informant: William Pirie, Cousin, 15 Reidhaven Street, Portknockie. Registered: 1932, July 18th at Manse of Seafield, John Taulds, Registrar."