Jeannie Cowie Mair

F, #10501, b. 15 November 1923
     Jeannie Cowie Mair was born on 15 November 1923 at 40 Church Street, Portknockie, Banffshire, Scotland.1 She was the daughter of Ernest Mair and Annie Wilson Cowie.


  1. [S10318] Jeannie Cowie Mair, Register of Births in the District of Seafield in the County of Banff, "Jeannie Cowie Mair, 1923, November Fifteenth 6h A.M. at 40 Church Street, Portknockie, Seafield (Rathven), Female. Father: Ernest Mair, Fisherman. Mother: Annie Mair M.S. Wilson (sic), married 1917 September 21st in Seafield. Informant: Isabella Mair, Grandmother (Present). Registered: 1923, November 20th at Seafield Manse, James McIntyre, Registrar."