Matilda Allan

F, #10200, b. 28 April 1876
     Matilda Allan was born on 28 April 1876 at Kirk Street, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.1,2 She was the daughter of John Allan and Mary Ann Gow.


  1. [S9885] Matilda Allan, Register of Births in the District of Peterhead in the County of Aberdeen, "Matilda Allan, 1876, April Twenty Eighth 7h 10m A.M. at Kirk Street, Female. Father: John Allan Flesher. Mother: Mary Ann Allan M.S. Gow, married 1866 November 29 in Peterhead. Informant: John Allan, Father, Not Present. Registered: 1876, May 10 at Peterhead, John Raine, Registrar."
  2. [S772] Robert Mair, Neil Pirie, Information kindly supplied by Robert Mair of Durham, England.